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See our list to find the best advisor for your next GP-led secondary transaction. Last updated on 03/05/20 with details for Setter Capital.
Download our directory for key details of cybersecurity consultants with private equity experience. Last updated on 12/03/19 with details for ACA Aponix.
How CFOs are using external providers to cope with an increased workload.
Find out which law firms can oversee your next secondaries transaction with our downloadable list. Last updated on 11/19/19 with details for Dechert and Latham & Watkins.
We list some of the law firms and advisors with experience in GP stake sales.
magnifying glass
Our downloadable directory contains key details to help you choose the right compliance consultant for your firm. Last updated on September 13 2019 with details for Adherence.
Our list provides key details on providers of automated waterfall calculation software. Last updated on 07/18/2019 with details for FinWedge.
We're taking a look at human capital, outsourcing and CFOs – starting with outsourcing fund administration.
Check our list for details of consultants who can provide robotic automation services to your firm. Updated with additional details on 06/14/2019.

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