Home Authors Posts by Philippa Kent

Philippa Kent

How to mitigate the impact of covid-19 on portfolio companies; PE firms offer a helping hand with assistance funds and public donations.
Some things to look for when assessing your service providers’ strengths.
What to do about your December marks (and March); GP-leds must produce the goods.
Hark Capital's head of fund finance talks NAV lending; GPs plan early sub line repayments to deal with LP liquidity.
FINRA and the FCA are keeping an eye on cybersecurity in the wake of coronavirus.
Experts are concerned that many firms aren’t prepared for the risks of prolonged remote working.
Looking to set up your next fund further away from home? A fund domicile expert shares some insight on the latest in cross-border private equity funds.
Video interview with Kline Hill’s Louis Sciarretta; KKR warns public sentiment around PE isn’t great, right now.
Impact funds are more popular than ever and sustainable investing can help boost returns, according to a report from Bain & Company.
Industry lobby fights back on Maryland tax bill; Mid-market firm makes a bevy of promotions; Blackstone warns of coronavirus risk to funds.

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